They'll Never Learn...

The mainstream media, including Fox News, has finally called the election in America in favor of Joe Biden. That's still not final, just that they now, based on extrapolation of the current ballot-count, are confident to declare Joe Biden as the projected president-elect. Bar any unforeseen circumstance, Joseph R. Biden will be America's 46th president.

source: YouTube

It happened while I was working (yes, I do have a daytime job), and the news that the call was finally made gave me a short sensation of elation. But in the end that was a fleeting sensation because, as I said in yesterday's post, this is not something to celebrate, it's just another chapter in a long story of choices between two evils. I can understand however the celebrations out on the streets of some American cities because Trump has been a genuine burden on the country and its standing in the world; it must feel good to have finally gotten rid of that fascist clown, for half the country at least. It remains to be seen how the militant MAGA factions will respond; let's hope things stay peaceful.

Trump is gone

On the other hand, I can also see how some leftists, who voted for Biden solely as an anti-Trump vote, are disappointed by the reactions in the mainstream media; the identity politics are back with a vengeance. Will they never learn that this is nothing but empty rhetoric when not coupled to a real plan to economically uplift the groups you deem socially marginalized? Biden has no plan for real progress, and to conceal that all the talk today was on how having the first black female VP was the "perfect signal" to send... This is unbelievable. Do they not grasp that this is the shit that paved the way for a fascistoid authoritarian like Trump in the first place? All those right wing conservative hacks who point at the presidency of Obama and claim that there can be no systemic racism because a black man occupied the White House are yet again vindicated... Geez... these Democrats are so goddamn stupid...

Kamala Harris literally said in one of many interviews that she hopes she can do for Joe Biden what Joe Biden did for Obama... That's exactly what real progressives and real leftists feared she would do. So dumb... Choosing Biden as his VP was Obama's signal to all those white conservatives to not worry too much about having a black man, who technically is half white by the way, in the Oval Office. It was to calm the latent racism present in much of the conservative right-wingers. The choice for Joe Biden wasn't a coincidence because he's known to be willing to work with Republicans on typically Republican policies; Biden bragged about having tried on multiple occasions to cut social security for Christ's sake... And now Kamala wants to do the same for Biden? So she's Biden's way to say to minorities to not worry too much about having the man in the White House who's responsible for the 1994 criminal justice reforms that broke so many black families and fed so many young black men to the prison industrial complex? God Damn, that's so stupid! They'll never learn...


Sorry for losing my cool there, dear readers. I know I've been pushing for Biden and against Trump, and that I do not regret even a bit. But I've also always been clear that no one should have love for the Democrats or Biden either; he's a racist corporate hack, but he's no white nationalist fascist. The fascist had to be removed, but the fight for a more just world in which all get an equal chance to "make it" isn't over by a long shot. The sad thing about the election results, and this is just a feeling I have, can't back it up with actual numbers, is that I feel that working class votes are divided 50-50 between Biden and Trump, or that Trump got even more than half their votes. This is sad because the Democrats are supposed to be the working class party, but they squandered that by only having a cultural message for the working class, the aforementioned identity politics that appeals to the suburban middle class only, instead of an economical message. Chances are that Biden will fill his cabinet full of corporate hacks, just like Trump did and every American president before him. He'll bring back a veneer of civility and hopefully he will be able to quench some of the divisiveness that Trump has left in his wake; right now that seems doubtful, but we'll see. And Trump hasn't given up yet, he'll no doubt keep his word and not cooperate with a peaceful transition of power. That shouldn't be a problem though, according to the Biden team:

With reports circulating that President Donald Trump won’t concede the election even if winning is a statistical impossibility, Democratic challenger Joe Biden’s campaign is messaging that the United States government has no problem “escorting trespassers out of the White House.”
source: Forbes

Allright.. That was that. Now for some relaxing entertainment, even if the content is somewhat dated now, watch this "epic rap battle" between two old men with too much power...

Donald Trump vs Joe Biden. Epic Rap Battles Of History

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