Hive community spotlight #18: Interview with @mipiano


Welcome to #18! The week has been full of challenges and well with undeniable blessings, i'm so glad it's Sunday and I can make this interview post.

This week, we have the pleasure of interviewing @mipiano, a dedicated and creative member of the Hive ecosystem. From her beginnings during the 2020 lockdown to her current involvement as a moderator and admin in multiple communities, @mipiano has become an integral part of Hive. Join us as she shares her journey, inspirations, and the special moments that have defined her Hive experience

Stay tuned!!!


Can you tell us a little about yourself and how you first discovered Hive?

I have heard about Hive from my husband. He had been talking about Hive for several months before I joined. The reason why I waited for so long time is that I had a lot of work and thought I could not be active on the platform but during the lockdown in 2020 apparently, I got the time and encouragement to do it.


What inspired you to become an active member of the Hive community?

When I started I used to create mainly music-related content, however, I slowly discovered other communities and interests I had and met many people with different talents. Engagement with them actually made me get very attached to the whole platform.


Can you share some key milestones or memorable moments from your journey on Hive so far?

I didn't set some specific goals to achieve, it all went in some natural way, but I do remember my every Hive anniversary. At the end of this month, it will be four years that I have been on Hive. I could say almost no day passed without Hive since then.


Can you tell us more about the communities you are most involved in and what makes them special?

I am involved in several communities, as a moderator or admin. One of them, the Q Inspired-by-Music community is a small writing corner for Music Inspired contributions, where we express our thoughts, memories, experiences, inspirations, knowledge or even dreams about or around music topics. The Hive Collectors community was created last year when I realised there was no community where we could post about our collections. So, now every month we have different topics - initiatives where Hivers can bring their collections. The Kindness Rocks community is my newest community. It is a space where we can share our activities about painting pebbles, writing little messages on them, and giving them to others - people we know or just leave them in a public space. Also, just express our creativity through art on rocks, tutorials about painting them and similar. The Throwback Thursday community is a place where we can share our memories - on Thursdays.


Are there any ongoing projects or initiatives you are currently involved with that you’d like to share with us?

The communities and initiatives I mentioned in the previous answer 😅


What do you enjoy most about being part of the Hive ecosystem?

The engagement and connection with other Hive users, from all over the world. And meeting Hivers in real life, even if those are mini meetups.


Who are some Hive members who have inspired or supported you along the way?


I had the luck to bump into several inspiring users since the beginning of my Hive journey so it is not easy to pick just a few... and it never stops - meeting new users who show amazing effort and work and spread inspiration. Also, my husband and I talk about Hive every day so it is always a source of inspiration.


What advice would you give to someone new to Hive and looking to get involved?

Be true to yourself, engage with others honestly and respectfully, and don't get discouraged if things don't work out as you imagined. When you create content do it with effort and in an honest way, and try to bring creativity and inspiration to others.


A special thank you to you @mipiano for letting us have you and for sharing your experiences and insights with us. Your journey is truly inspiring, and we appreciate all that you do for the Hive community.



Thank you @livinguktaiwan for making this suggestion.

Thanks to @thekittygirl for all your support and to everyone who supports the series.

Leave your thoughts, suggestions or questions in the comments below!

Got someone in mind who deserves to be in the spotlight next? Drop their name in the comments below!

See you in the next edition!!! 🤗

20% rewards to the interviewee

Cover image designed on pixelab by me



@dfinney@bhattg@brisby @livinguktaiwan




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