Hive Community Spotlight #19: Interview with @melinda010100

WELCOME to Hive Community Spotlight #19, where we celebrate the incredible individuals who make our community thrive! We share their stories, achievements, and insights, and learn from their experiences.

Today, we're delighted to feature @melinda010100, a shining star of the Hive community, known for her kindness, generosity, and dedication to building a stronger, more supportive community for all. Let's get inspired by her remarkable journey!"

Henceforth, we're shaking things up a bit! Along with the usual questions about their work and experiences, we're adding some personal questions to get to know guests better. All mixed in with some serious questions to showcase their talents and passions. But of course whatever the guest feels comfortable with.

So, let's get started and learn more about @melinda010100!

Stay tuned!


Can you tell us a little about yourself, how you got to know about hive, and how you came up with your username?


Melinda010100I: joined Steem in May 2016. I had been using a platform called Tsu and was sharing my photos there. I had made several friends there and when the platform collapsed it was suggest that I give Steem a try My partner had died during the winter and the timing for learning something new was just what I needed to help get through my grief filled days.

My username came about when I needed to create a new email account. I simply used my name and the date. Jan. 1st, 2000. Melinda010100 Friends have joked about reading it as Mel O'LoLoo.


How do you think hive differs from other social media platforms, and what benefits do you see in using hive?


Melinda010100I: That's difficult for me to answer because Hive is the only thing I use. I used Facebook for years and was connected to old school friends and family,, but quit using it after I started posting here and found that I could make friends with people from all around the world. Hive and the people here offered me so many opportunities to learn new things!


Can you tell us the various communities that you're involved in, whether as an admin, mod or curator?


Melinda010100I: My favorite place to be involved is with Ecency. I am a mod in Ecency Discord. I am an Admin in the Ecency hive-125125 and Ecency Help hive-125126 Communities. I have been a Curator for Ecency for 6 years.

I am founder and Admin of the Shadow Hunters @hive-179017 and the Feathered Friends @hive-106444 .communities as well as being moderator in the Photo-essay Community, the FeelGood Community and a few others belonging to friends.


What do you think are the key factors in in building and maintaining a strong community?


Melinda010100I: Being ENGAGED!


What's the best advice you've ever received, and from whom, and how has it impacted your life?


Melinda010100I: Some of the best advice that I have ever received is to 'Choose Happiness'. Remembering that has gotten me through some tough times. Being happy is my choice.


If you could create a new feature or tool on Hive, what would it be and why, and how do you think it would benefit the community?


Melinda010100I: Ecency devs do a great job of creating new features and tools, often before I even realize how helpful they would be! They are thinking far ahead!


Who are some members of the Hive community that have inspired or supported you along the way?


Melinda010100I: There are so many in the Ecency Community who inspire me. Some of them have been here since the beginning, and others have only joined recently. @good-karma has always been my main inspiration and is the reason I have remained on Hive. I have watched him take time to respond to questions with kindness and respect, and seeing the hours of work he puts into building Ecency is truly awe inspiring.


What advice would you give to someone who is new to Hive?


Melinda010100I: Be engaged. I think as people learn their way around Hive the most important thing they can do is make friends, and that happens by leaving thoughtful comments on other people's posts. I have found that #microblogging on Waves is a good way to make new friends.


If you're given the chance to meet another Hive user you've never met, who would that be?


Melinda010100I: I would like to meet up with every Ecencial!

I have never had the opportunity to meet another Hiveian, although the Live shows in Ecency Discord make me feel as if I am meeting my friends each week!


Do you have any positive message for the hive community?


Melinda010100I: Be helpful, respectful, and kind to others!


Finally, who else do you suggest should be interviewed here?


Melinda010100I: There are so many active people here that you could interview! It should be easy to find many!

Thank you, Melinda010100, for sharing your story and offering valuable advice to new users. Your contributions to Hive are truly appreciated! We are so happy to have you in today's spotlight!


Thank you @incublus for making this suggestion.

Thanks to @thekittygirl for all your support and to everyone who supports the series.

Leave your thoughts, suggestions or questions in the comments below!

Got someone in mind who deserves to be in the spotlight next? Drop their name in the comments below!

See you in the next edition!!! šŸ¤—

20% rewards to the interviewee

Cover image designed on pixelab by me



@dfinney@bhattg@brisby @livinguktaiwan




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