Index4INDEX Card 168: Pema Chödrön 1

Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.

-- Pema Chödrön

About the Quote

Teachers are with us until we no longer need them. Usually this is because we graduate to another grade or level of schooling.

Sometimes it's because there are lessons we still need to learn and we're not ready to advance.

In the event the teacher leaves us, we haev a substitute teacher or a replacement teacher to make sure we learn what we need to learn before that teacher lets us go.

Some lessons are easier to learn than others, and a few lessons we will never learn. What matters is the educational process we undergo, not the moment we can say we learned our lesson.

Some Information about Pema Chödrön

Pema Chödrön was born as Deirdre Blomfield-Brown in New York, New York, US on 1936-July-14.

She is the first Western woman to be initiated as a nun in the Vajrayana tradition of Mahayana Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is part of Tibetan Buddhism.

Deirdre Blomfield-Brown attended Miss Porters School in Farmington, Connecticut, US. Later she graduated from University of California at Berkeley. For a while she worked as an elementary school teacher first in California, then in New Mexico. It was at this point where she began her conversion to Buddhism.

Pema Chödrön had been married twice, and she is mother to a son and a daughter. It was after her second divorce that she began to study Buddhism with Lama Chime Rinpoche in the French Alps. In 1974 in London, England, UK she became a Buddhist nun.

At the time Pema Chödrön became a nun, the tradition of Tibetan Buddhist nuns had no longer existed. Part of her teaching career as a Buddhist nun has been devoted to restoring this tradition.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet that's currently just a table. Eventually I will make this spreadsheet searchable.

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