Maledictus Terra Book 3: Vetitum Nemus Part 5


Continuing on what @zakludick wrote on Monday here is the update to Vetitum Nemus.

He wasn’t sure what the creatures were. He had never seen their like before. The differing sizes and colours that they wore made no sense to him. It was as if this was a roving war band. However, if that were the case, the lone human tied to a massive wolf wouldn’t still be alive. The human was slung over the beast as if he were a bag of potatoes and firmly tied in place. He had been gagged but seemed otherwise uninjured.

Then a projectile passed next to Derric. He hadn’t seen it, hadn’t sensed it, but it had sailed right past him. It had been aimed to miss him. The band knew that he wasn’t just a simple bird.

Curious, more than frightened, Derric dropped a little lower and hovered in the air, waiting to see what the war band would do now. Instead of more projectiles being thrown, the band seemed to slow and eventually stop.

One of the larger creatures bellowed something unintelligible and several smaller ones hopped onto the back of the human and drew weapons. Derric was prepared to attack if needed, but the weapons didn’t plunge into the human but rather cut his bonds.

The human sat up and waved his arms over his head as if beaconing Derric closer. Whether this was a trap or not, Derric wasn’t willing to take the risk. He immediately flew back to the castle without a second glance.
Noxus had listened to Derric describing the approaching marauding group with trepidation. She had thought these creatures were long extinct. She would be surprised if anyone knew what they were. She wasn’t sure if she should say anything but clearly, her silence was worrying Mary because the queen addressed her by her name.

Noxus shook her head and looked Mary in the eye before saying.

“I think I know what they are, but I will need to confirm with the temple of Hiral Kai.”

“I thought you were no longer a pupil.” Said Mary with a hint of shock in her voice.

“Just because I failed in my trials and do not wish to take them again, doesn’t mean I have lost my connection to Hiral Kai. I am just not as connected as those who complete their trials.”

Derric frowned. He remembered the battle that had broken the party of four when they had met them in that strange world that Adiran had sent them to. Kern Fenix, the Spear Maiden of Jidan Kai, had sacrificed herself to control Aaron, an Endor Kai initiate after he had become a puppet of a terrible creature. It had been a terrible fight that had left scars on everyone involved.

“I will reach out to Gorox and see if he can confirm for me.”

“How is Gorox?” asked Derric, remembering the Marauder of Vallox Kai, and his massive hammer.

“Last I heard, he was taking vows to enter his trials once more. He’s far braver than I. However, if these creatures are what I think they are, he may find himself coming here to complete his vows.”

“Isn’t he meant to be part of a group?”

“For something this big, I believe Vallox Kai will be happy with a solo trial.”

“Don’t keep us in suspense then.” Said Mary as she sat on the edge of her seat. “What are we facing?”

“Your Majesty, I may be wrong, but I think they could be green skins.”

Derric snorted but Mary looked confused.

“What are green skins?” asked the queen.

“A child’s tale meant to ensure children don’t wander the forests at night.” Deric waved his hand nonchalantly.

“They went extinct centuries ago. Too many lands turning bad.” Said Noxus.

“I grew up on tales…” Derric paused, remembering that technically he was far older than everyone in the castle, even the revenant, though he didn’t look it.

“Again. What are green skins?” asked Mary.

“Forest denizens, particularly of forests that contain swamps, as they use them to propagate. They were vicious creatures and tended to stay in small, close-knit family groups based on their size and race.”

“They have races within their populace?”

Derric tried to think back to the tales of when he was little, but the names of the creatures escaped him. Just as he thought he knew of one name; a raven flew into the throne room from a window and landed. It hopped around a little before looking up at Mary and bowing so deeply that its beak touched the carpet. There was a little pop and the raven turned into a small, cowled figure holding onto a shepherd’s crook that sported a few mushrooms that seemed to be growing from the wood. The hand wrapped around the staff was green and boasted long nails.

Derric immediately assumed his wolf form and put himself between the queen and the strange creature respectfully taking a step back.

“My apologies, it’s been some time since I have appeared before royalty.”

Everyone in the room seemed taken aback by the clear language that came from the creature before them. Then there was a crack of thunder and Adiran appeared in the room with a ball of magic already in his hands.

“Ah! You must be the one who broke the curse that imprisoned us.” The creature bowed again, revealing a large nose, the same hue as its hand.

Mary gave Adiran a look and muttered, “Where had you vanished off to?”

“I didn’t have all day to wait for the boy, but I see he had someone follow him home.”

“I didn’t think I needed to keep an eye out for a raven following me.”

While the three of them argued, Noxus was amazed. Before her was an extinct creature she had only ever seen in history books. She didn’t even think twice sending a mental message to Gorox about what was happening in the castle. She didn’t need him to respond but to be aware.

She stepped forward and half inclined her head, “Greetings spore seer, it has been some time since one of you has been seen.”

“The curse. It trapped us. When we woke, we wanted to migrate back to our homes, but humans live here now.”

“You travel in a warband. Captured one of my people. This doesn’t seem like a peaceful migration.”

“Perhaps, perhaps not. It all depends on how you welcome my news.” Said the creature as it used its other hand to pull back its cowl, revealing a large set of pointed ears.

“Goblin!” exclaimed Derric with a grin, finally remembering the word he thought he had long since forgotten.

The creature turned to him and seemed to be trying to place him as if recognizing him.
And now back to Zak
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Mortis Custos




Vetitum Nemus

by @lex-zaiyaby @zakludick
Part 1Part 2
Part 3Part 4
Part 5- You’re HerePart 6 - Incoming

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