The Bundle Of Beans Diaries - Day 18 - Saying Goodbye


Negative for Giardia!

I was so happy when the volunteer picked up the poop sample and brought it to the vet to let me know they tested negative for Giardia after two weeks of treatment. This also meant that today the kittens are moving to their new owner (Frijole) and the other three will go to the new owner of Haba. Just for one day the two that will move outside of the province will spend their final days in foster care at another foster address in the city. We were kind of sad that we had to say goodbye to them instead of having them all until the new owners could welcome them, but it is what it is.

Frijole pick-up

The first one leaving would be around 7 in the evening and picked up by his new owner who actually lives in the city next to us and she told us we're always welcome to visit Frijole if we want to. After meeting his new owner, we may end up doing that because she's a lovely person and I see nothing but love in the pictures she sends us still (they left a week ago, so a lot has happened since).


A lot of cuddles

And to show you that I was really going to miss them and wanted as many pictures as possible before they'd leave, check this screenshot below, it's just part of the folder of day 18, the final day of fostering the little bundle of beans cuties:


I yet have to sort them (the other days as well) as I have loads of good pictures as well as videos that I need to sort per cat and maybe create some cool short videos from it.
So until Frijole was picked up, I spent a lot of time enjoying the last moments with every kitten and trying to get as many good pictures as possible.


Of course, this also counts for my boyfriend and daughter, we knew we'd miss them big time!

Saying our final goodbyes

I have to admit, I cried, and writing it again now, I tear up again as they all have a special place in my heart. They were not the first kittens we took care of, we had a few bundles of joy before we moved out of our own country years ago. But these were our own kittens. They were all cool kittens and we knew we did one heck of a job at the time, as per the adopters (and our own opinion lol).

Therefore we knew fostering was going to be amazing and rewarding. It was also going to be teamwork and a family experience which has taught our daughter a lot. Although I spent the most time with them overall, I could not have nailed it without the help of my daughter and boyfriend! I knew upfront that I would have a hard time saying goodbye simply because I spent so much time with them (they lived in our bedroom, which is my office space as well). How can you not fall in love with them?


When Frijole was picked up, I cried and then I knew the last three would soon move on as well. Thankfully, we could bring them to the temporary home ourselves and could spend a few more hours with them. It was very strange coming back to an empty bedroom and only having our big cat Mochi in the living room. I got used to being able to cuddle and play with the kittens whenever I had time.


As I mentioned yesterday, the kitten that was rescued not far from our home was waiting for us to welcome her but I needed a few days to get everything in order. I got a bit behind on other things such as work as the last day was intense in several ways and I also wanted to clean everything properly and just have all windows and doors open for a few days. It's already hot here and some days it was a bit of a pain not being able to open everything as the kittens were playing. I did place them inside the playpen sometimes during the day to be able to do so but it was nice to just do it for a full day, lol.

It was very quiet the first day after they left, but I've seen so many lovely videos and pictures, they are in good hands and the final two will be going to their new homes around now. I'm excited for them that they can finally welcome the cuties in their house instead of only seeing from afar how they're doing. With these 5 leaving, we have opened our home again for a new experience, a little baby girl who was found all alone. That will definitely be a different experience than having 5 foster babies.


Funniest moments

I have so many funny and great pictures left that I will not spoil them all in this final post but also throw some separate ones with the funniest moments and stories belonging to these pictures. It may take a while though because sorting them will take a lot more time than it took to take the pictures and videos, that's for sure. And currently, I'm already taking care of two other kittens who need my attention too.

How did that happen? Two new ones instead of the one that I already mentioned? You can read this in the next series of kitten diaries.

Thank you, dear Garbanzo, Alubia, Guisante, Haba, and Frijole for bringing us so much love, and thank you to the organization for giving us this opportunity to help with the huge problem of kittens being dumped in the garbage/found in the streets. Special thanks to C. for being my support for every question (no matter how stupid it was) that I had along the way. You are an angel! And thank you to the families for trusting us to take care of their new furry family members, it was our pleasure!

Stay tuned for randomly dropped content about these 5 babies and a new introduction to our current foster babies.

Thanks for following our story!

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