Index4INDEX Card 273: Shannon Miller 5

There are no limits on your dreams if you're willing to work for it.

-- Shannon Miller

For more about Shannon Miller, keep reading....


About the Quote

Dreams don't come true without work. The bigger the dream, the more work is needed to realize that dream. Although some dreams are reliant on luck-- just ask the 6 NBA Finalists who lost to the Chicago Bulls teams of the Michael Jordan era or the 11 NBA Finalists who lost to the Boston Celtics of the Bill Russell era-- work is still required to reach that point.

Dreams are best when they require work. These tend to be big dreams. If it's easy to achieve a dream (such as becoming a store manager at a second location as a result of a transfer), then the dream isn't big enough. For the amount of thinking needed to achieve a dream, we may as well think big and dream large. In order to realize the big dream, it's also necessary to realize any number of smaller dreams which themselves mark major milestones.

Along the way there will be failure, setbacks, and lessons to be learned. Some of these moments will be hard and painful, while others will be merely inconveniences or speed bumps. They may suck to experience, but they may also be part of the process of realizing the big dream.


Some (More) Information about Shannon Miller

  • At the 1992 Barcelona Summer Games, led all American Olympians across all sports and sexes with 5 total Medals (2 Silver, 3 Bronze)
  • At the 1996 Atlanta Summer Games, she became the first American gymnast to will a Gold Medal at a fully-attended (non-boycotted) Olympic Games
  • With 49 medals in national competition and 59 medals in international competition, she is the most accomplished gymnast regardless of sex in the hisotry of the US Olympic team
  • She is a member of 12 Halls of Fame-- including 2 inductions into the US Olympic Hall of Fame (once individually and once as part of a team)
  • She is the first female recipient in 1992 of the Steve Reeves Award from the New York Downtown Athletic Club
  • She is the first-ever recipient in 1992 of the Jim Thorpe Award from the Oklahoma Amateur Athletic Union; she won it again in 1994
  • In 2002 she was the youngest inductee into the Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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