Abominable Obama

With the general elections coming up for American citizens in November, today I'd like to remind us all about how bad the Democrats actually are, even if in my opinion there's no real choice for my American brothers and sisters but to vote for Joe Biden. He was Barack Obama's vice president, and as such part of the team that was responsible for some of the worst domestic and international politics we've witnessed from the Democrats in all of history.


source: Defense.gov

I've written about this a couple of times before, and still I can not fathom why America's first black president was so damn popular during his time in office, and still is so popular today. During the Democratic National Convention last week there was no escaping the fawning over his speech in the liberal mainstream media; some of the pundits were almost driven to tears after listening to what in my ears sounded like a bog-standard address about how bad Trump is and how Joe is better on a personal level. Joe Biden is such a bad candidate that, after the campaign with the telling title "Settle for Biden", the Daily Show one-upped that campaign with a segment called "Biden: Acceptable Under the Circumstances"; please watch the first video on this hilarious but truthful segment along with a commentary by Hassan Piker, a true socialist of former Young Turks fame. But that segment and video only touch the surface of the cesspool of malignant policies spearheaded by Biden before and during his Vice Presidency under Obama.

Hasanabi Reacts to Joe Biden: Acceptable Under the Circumstances

From day one of his bid in the primaries Joe Biden ran on a program of nothing. He proposed no policies, no change and no hope, which is the exact opposite of Barack Obama's Democratic primary campaign back in 2007; I think most of us will remember the slogan "Change We Can Believe In" and the feeling of renewed hope instilled in the American electorate. Here was this unknown young black man who had a way with words which was totally absent from the then sitting president George W. Bush, and who claimed that it was possible to end America's eternal foreign wars. Barack lied so damn convincingly that the disappointment and anger at the end of his two terms was so great as to prime the American electorate to be willing to vote for an equally effective liar from the other side of the narrow political spectrum; like I said before, if there's one thing I hope Obama will be remembered for in history books it's that he's the one mainly responsible for the current Fascist in Chief, Trump. But there's almost no chance that will happen; history is written by the winner, and in the class war the winners have always been the one percent that's served by both political parties in America, so the fawning over this war criminal and murderer will continue for centuries to come, bar some radical change in people's political and historical awareness...

All Biden has promised is a return to the pre-Trump era. A return to the Obama years without Obama, which is only a slightly smaller disaster than four more years of Trump. If you're a regular reader you know this already, but if you're relatively new here, you might say I'm exaggerating and that Obama can't possibly be almost as bad as Trump. To remedy that misconception you could go back to my previous posts of this past year, which I wouldn't mind at all of course. But maybe it's more convenient to just watch the below linked video; it's a fairly accurate summary and overview of the war criminal and murderer that was Obama during his presidency. Also you'll get a good impression of how he screwed over the American people and the people of the world by staffing his administration with former (and current!) banksters, mainly from City Group and of course Goldman Sachs who have their executives present in many western European governments as well. A return to the Obama years is a return to what's depicted in this video, so even though vote for Biden is what you should do in my opinion, what you shouldn't do is feel good about it in any way, shape or form. And when the elections are over, do the only right thing there is to do; start building a new party, a true leftist party, because the experiment of changing either of these parties from within has failed and is a lost cause. The Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin, and they need to be taken down...

Thanks Obama | Why Obama is a monster who you should not celebrate.

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