Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 21 - Space Marines, Razorback



Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Space Marines - Razorback

10th Edition Space Marine Codex

I love Razorbacks so much that I field 2x of them in my 2000pts Tournament army list! They transport my main objective scoring troops in my mechanized Space Wolves army and I shall show you why I choose them!


First off, the Razorback is a medium-heavy fast transport tank with a mean bite as well but its main strength is its 12" Movement!

It also has Toughness 9, 10 Wounds and a 3+ Save.

It can transport up to 6 models which must me Firstborn unless its a Tacticus character leading a Firstborn unit.


It comes standard with Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter:

3 Shots, Sustained Hits 1, Hitting on 3+, S5, AP-1 and D2.
This means it can sometimes get additional shots and with Twin Linked thrown in for good measure, the Wounding is quite good on even Heavy infantry.

However, it can change this out for a Twin Linked Las-cannon:

A1, BS+3, S12, AP-3 and Damage D6+1 - Meaning you roll and dice and add 1 and that is how many wounds you deal!

I use this as an effective anti-tank or anti-rare in my army.

The Razorback can also have a Storm Bolter and a Hunter-Killer Missile for free! Never leave home without both!

The Storm Bolter is the standard gun found on the Terminator. 2 Shots at 24" or 4 shots at 12". S4, AP0 and D1.

The Hunter-Killer is a One-Shot weapon, meaning it can only be shot once per battle. I try my best to make sure I crack it off before the Razorback is destroyed.

1 Shot, 2+ to Hit. S14, Ap-3 and D6 Damage! This nearly always hits and if it is against your Oath target, its sure to hit!


Fire Support. If you shoot at something with any of its guns, you can select one enemy unit that was hit. After that the squad inside the Razorback that just disembarked get to Re-Roll to Wound.

To be honest, I never use this rule.

What I DO use is speed and damage and getting my Grey Hunters into position!

Thank you for reading this post! I hope that you enjoyed it!

Warhammer Review Library

Adeptus Custodes

Adeptus Mechanicus

Blood Angels

Dark Angels

Death Guard


Imperial Agents

Leages of Votann


T'au Empire


World Eaters

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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