Index4INDEX Card 284: Steve Jobs 2

Great things in business are never done by one person; they're done by a team of people.

-- Steve Jobs

For more about Steve Jobs, keep reading....


About the Quote

Many recent quotes come from Olympic chmpions. Among them are Nadia Comăneci, Mary Lou Retton, Shannon Miller, Dominique Moceanu, and Shawn Johnson. As amazing as the performances were for these gymnasts, they couldn't have accomplished them without their coaches; in the cases of Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci and American gymnast Mary Lou Retton (plus American gymnast Kerri Strug), they had help from coach Béla KÑrolyi.

In a more somber context, the atomic bomb which was produced as a result of The Manhattan Project was a combined effort featuring many of the leading minds of the era, including Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein.

Even if one person is known as the face of a team (Michael Jordan) or even an industry (Henry Ford), it takes a team of dedicated people alongside and behind the scenes to make great things become reality.


Some (More) Information about Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was adopted and raised in Cupertino, California, US. Cupertino is located in the area known today as Silicon Valley. Apple would have its corporate headquarters there.

For a while he was a student at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, US. He dropped out of Reed College in 1974 to take a job as a video game designer at Atari Corporation. This job allowed him to save enough money to make a pilgrimage to India so that he could experience Buddhism.

When Jobs returned to Silicon Valley in the fall of 1974, he re-established contact with a friend from high school, Stephen Wozniak. Wozniak was working for Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California, US. At the time Woz (as he would be popularly known later) was designing his own computer logic board.

After showing it to Jobs, it was Jobs who suggested to Woz that they go into business together. Hewlett-Packard rejected the board designed by Woz, and it was then, in 1976, when he and Jobs entered business together. This logic board-- in essence, the computer-- was called the Apple I. The Apple I computer system (logic board plus casing, monitor, and peripherals) was famously designed in Steve Jobs' family garage. It was also financed by the sale of not only Woz' programmable calculator byt also the sale of the Jobs' family Volkswagen minibus.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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