Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Wheel 25 - Grey Knights, Brother Captain

Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel and see what I get:

Grey Knights - Brother Captain

10th Edition Index Cards

Right, I have rolled a Brother Captain of the Grey Knights. This is good since I am feeling quite tired and want to go to bed. lol

I have two or more of these guys in my Grand Imperial Army and I do like them a lot.

Grey Knights are specialist Space Marines who are Daemon Hunters. The Brother Captain is the leader of a Brotherhood. He can either lead a squad of Brotherhood Terminators or a Paladin Squad, which is an even more elite version of Terminatos.


His stats are typical of a Terminator Character.

Movement 5"
Toughness 5
Wounds 6
Saves 2+/4++

Nice and tough with a 6+ Leadership value.


He comes standard with a Storm Bolter, the same all Terminators bear but he can swap it out for one of the following:

  • Incinerator - A Heavy Flamer
  • Psilencer - A rapid firing gun with 6 shots and S5 no AP and 1 Damage each.with Sustained hits 1 which may give it some extra attacks.
  • Psycannon - A heavier weapon with 3 shots, S8 Ap-1 and 2 Damage each.

I by far love the Psycannon for its raw Marine killing abilities and high Strength means that it can do some damage to light vehicles.

For Melee he had a Nemesis Force Weapon which is 4 Attacks, S6, AP-2 and Damage 2.

All his weapons except the Incinerator and the Storm Bolter has the Psychic keyword. Some armies have specific units that can defend against these attacks but what is more important is that Grey Knights have abilities that Buff Psychic attacks... because the whole army is Psychic...


-Empyric Amplification
Speaking of synergies with Psychic keywords, this ability gives the Brother Captain and the squad he is with Sustained Hits 1 on Psychic weapons. So the Psilencer already has that but is massive on Psycannons. Also, all the close combat attacks with the Nemisis weapons with Sustained Hits is great.

  • Focused Mind
    This model gets to re-roll Wound rolls with Psychic weapons.

Easy and effective which also means he could get a 5+ re-rollable against T9-T15 which is a big deal. Of course it is 4+ with a re-roll against T8 and 3+ re-roll against T5-7. Everything Space Marine in Power Armor and lower is a 2+.

So this is that I would use him for. Himself plus 5-10 Paladins. More about that synergy once I review Paladins!

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Adeptus Custodes

Adeptus Mechanicus

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Dark Angels

Death Guard


Imperial Agents

Imperial Knights

Leages of Votann


Space Marines

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World Eaters

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

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