Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Library 43 - Imperial Knights, Armiger Warglaive


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

However, on the 26th one, I have decided that it is big enough to call this series a Library!

What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel again and see what I get:

Imperial Knights, Armiger Warglaive

10th Edition Index

We return today to review the Armiger Warglaive! This is the second Imperial Knight review and it just so happens that the other one I rolled for is the OTHER Armiger which are the smaller support Knights...

Meaning the NEXT time I roll Imperial Knights it will be all big guys!

So let's look at this Armiger. Where the Helverin was all about giving ranged firepower support, the Warglaive brings it in close!


Movement 12"
Toughness 10
Save 3+/5++(armor/invul/Feel No Pain) The invul is only against Ranged attacks.
Wounds 12
Ld 7+
OC 8


Thermal Spear
24" Range, 2 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S12, AP -4 and D6 Damage
Melta 4, which means that when this gun hits at half range of 12" it will deal D6+4 Damage

This weapon scares my mechanized Space Wolf Army since it is a huge Meltagun which is great at hurting heavily armoured tanks.

Then you can choose a secondary gun:
Meltagun for more anti-tank at even closer ranges
Questoris Heavy Stubber for a little bit of anti-infantry

The Reaper chain-cleaver has got two strike modes, you choose a sweep for smaller, more numerous targets and strike for the big targets.

8 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S8, Ap-2, 1 Damage each

4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, S10, AP-3, 3 Damage each

How do you choose which one to hit with? To me, its all about the likelihood of doing damage and killing targets.

If its 1 Wound models, Sweep is almost always going to be the one to choose. Ordinary Terminators have 3 Wounds, so the 3 Damage Strike is the go to.

But what about 2 Wound Space Marines?

Well, 8 Attacks should hit 6-7 of them, Wounding on 2+ so 5-6 Wounds.

AP -2 will take their armor from 3+ to 5+ which means they are suffering 3-5 Wounds. This kills 1.5-2.5 Space Marines.

For the Strike it is only 4 Attacks, 3 should hit, 2-3 will Wound. The Space Marines will have a 6+ save so sometimes 1 will save. So this means 2-3 Dead Marines because 3 Damage each fells them.

This is speaking pure maths, the Dice Decide but it is my feeling to go with Strikes on Space Marines.


Impetuous Glory
On the turn they charge the Armiger gets Sustained Hits 1 on melee weapons!

Well... my decisions above do not change, but this does make them even better on the charge!

Final thoughts: This is a Battle Line unit, meaning you can field a max of 6 of them instead of the usual 3.

They are 150pts which is cheap for a knight and I feel fairly fast and deadly. A Knight player really cannot afford to play with less than 2 of these in their army. It is OPTIONAL in my opinion if you want Helverins, because Helverins are handy with their Autocannons but are basically anti-Flyer... which is OK. Full review here.

However, the big Knights have massive amazing shooting to deal massive damage... But scoring objectives would be better with a Warglaive since they are less afraid of getting into combat.

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Alphabetical List

FactionUnitReview Number
Adeptus CustodesProsecutors#1
Adeptus CustodesTrajann Valoris#40
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Fusilave#13
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Stratoraptor#14
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Transvector#15
Black TemplarsHigh Marshall Helbrecht#38
Blood AngelsBaal Predator#2
Blood AngelsLemartes#32
Chaos DaemonsDaemonettes#29
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Brigands#30
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Executioners#31
Chaos Space MarinesHaarken Worldclaimer#41
Chaos Space MarinesKhorne Lord of Skulls#37
Dark AngelsAsmodai#16
Dark AngelsAzrael#17
Dark AngelsBelial#4
Dark AngelsDeathwing Knights#20
Death GuardBiologus Putrifier#5
Death GuardBlightlord Terminators#10
Death GuardChaos Lord#36
Death GuardTallyman#39
Genestealer CultsReductus Saboteur#33
Grey KnightsBrother Captain#25
Imperial AgentsCallidus Assassin#9
Imperial AgentsVigilant Squad#26
Imperial KnightsArmiger Helverin#22
Leages of VotannBrôkhyr Iron-master#27
Leages of VotannSagitaur#3
OrksHunta Rig#28
Space MarinesKayvaan Shrike#23
Space MarinesMarneus Calgar#42
Space MarinesRazorback#21
T'au EmpireDarkstrider#12
T'au EmpireKroot Carnivore Squad#19
TyranidsScreamer Killer#24
World EatersWorld Eaters Chaos Spawn#18

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


Hive South Africa

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