Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Library 45 - Drukhari, Grotesques


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

However, on the 26th one, I have decided that it is big enough to call this series a Library!

What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel again and see what I get:

Drukhari, Grotesques

10th Edition Index

It is the turn for the Dark Eldar again.

Grotesques are the creations of the Haemonculus Covens. They are made from all sorts of bodies and flesh that have been expertly and painfully grafted to each other. Modified with growth stimulants and driven mad so they butcher whomever their creators set them on.

They are currently 90pts for 3 or 180pts for 6 of them in a unit.

Let's see their stats.


Movement 7" (fast!)
Toughness 5 (tough)
Save 6+/6++/5+++(armor/invul/Feel No Pain) Armor is basically nothing, small invul save and then 5+ Feel No Pain for incoming damage.
Wounds 4 (This is a lot of wounds per unit, equal to a Terminator holding a Storm Shield)
Ld 6+
OC 1


Liquifier gun
12" Range, D6 shots, Hittings automatically, S4, AP-1, Damage 1
Devastating Wounds

Basically flamers with some AP.

Monstrous weapons
4 Attacks, Hitting on 3+, Strength 5, Ap -1 and 2 Damage each.


Mindless Killing Machines
When a Grotesque dies in melee, if they have not yet hit, roll a 4+, if successful that model gets to make its attacks before being removed from play.

All in all this unit is somewhat an annoyance. They have a fair toughness and the invuls and feel no pain make them as durable as a Space Marine... I guess... I would have to roll it out and see what I come up with...

Lots of wounds and a fair damage dealing ability means above all that you cannot really afford to ignore them and if nothing else, these guys can take and hold objectives!

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Alphabetical List

FactionUnitReview Number
Adeptus CustodesProsecutors#1
Adeptus CustodesTrajann Valoris#40
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Fusilave#13
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Stratoraptor#14
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Transvector#15
Black TemplarsHigh Marshall Helbrecht#38
Blood AngelsBaal Predator#2
Blood AngelsLemartes#32
Chaos DaemonsDaemonettes#29
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Brigands#30
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Executioners#31
Chaos Space MarinesHaarken Worldclaimer#41
Chaos Space MarinesKhorne Lord of Skulls#37
Dark AngelsAsmodai#16
Dark AngelsAzrael#17
Dark AngelsBelial#4
Dark AngelsDeathwing Knights#20
Death GuardBiologus Putrifier#5
Death GuardBlightlord Terminators#10
Death GuardChaos Lord#36
Death GuardTallyman#39
Genestealer CultsReductus Saboteur#33
Grey KnightsBrother Captain#25
Imperial AgentsCallidus Assassin#9
Imperial AgentsVigilant Squad#26
Imperial KnightsArmiger Helverin#22
Imperial KnightsArmiger Warglaive#43
Leages of VotannBrôkhyr Iron-master#27
Leages of VotannSagitaur#3
Leages of VotannÛthar the Destined#44
OrksHunta Rig#28
Space MarinesKayvaan Shrike#23
Space MarinesMarneus Calgar#42
Space MarinesRazorback#21
T'au EmpireDarkstrider#12
T'au EmpireKroot Carnivore Squad#19
TyranidsScreamer Killer#24
World EatersWorld Eaters Chaos Spawn#18

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


Hive South Africa

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