Warhammer 40k - Unit Review Library 55 - Adeptus Mechanicus, Serberys Raiders


Hello everyone! Zak Ludick here from Cape Town, South Africa and this is a Warhammer 40k - The Great Unit Review Wheel! post!

Now known as the Unit Review Library!

What is it all about? It is not there to just give a stat. It is there to give MY review of the unit!

In this series, I will review one unit at a time, picking them randomly.

So let me spin the wheel again and see what I get:

Adeptus Mechanicus, Serberys Raiders

10th Edition Codex

Aha! More Mechnicus units for the Library! Serberys Raiders are the shooting-cavalry of the Ad-Mech army with Scout and a few other cool rules.

Let's look at their stats before I give you my feelings about them!

A unit of 3 cost you 60pts of a unit of 6 cost 120pts. I have never seen a squad of 6!

Let's check those stats!


Movement 12"
Toughness 4
Save 4+/5+(armor/invul/Feel No Pain)
Wounds 2
Ld 7+
OC 2


Each Serberys Raider has a Galvanic carbine and the Alpha also has a pistol, he would need to choose between the carbine and the pistol when he shoots. Usually, range is the deciding factor!

Galvanic carbine - A 18" Range, 3 Shots, 4+ To hit, S4 AP0 D1 - With Devastating Wounds

Mechanicus pistol - A 12" Range, 1 Shot, S6 AP-1 D1 - With Devastating Wounds and Pistol

To be honest, I would leave shooting the pistol when he is in engagement range and cannot shoot the carbine.

The three of them can then shoot 9 shots with Devastating Wounds.


Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs
4 Attacks, Hitting on 4+, S4, AP-1 and 1 Damage

Fair Close combat against light targets.


Scouts 9" - This is a MASSIVE distance to cover in a pre-game move... And I feel like people use this for the wrong reasons... see below.

Tactica Obliqua

Once per turn, when an enemy ends a movement of any kind within 9" of the Raiders they can make a reactive move.

That movement is usually D6" or, it can be straight 6" if the Raiders are within 6" of friendly Battleline units.


So this is what I think about Raiders: They have great Objective control, speed and scout moves. Their damage dealing capability is nice, but nothing that will change a lot in the game on their own.

I have fought and killed Serberys Raiders many times. Most of the time, they use their Scout move to move into the board and take control of an objective... for like 1 turn and then die. They MIGHT get some shots off and a charge if they are lucky.

But usually I catch and kill them which makes me belive that this 60pts investment are being played wrong.

I feel their scout move is meant to redeploy from a screening position of a feint and bait deployment.

Their reactive movement ALSO allows them to feint a movement and then react to enemies who draw near.

These guys are not meant to be charging along to take over the board... they are bad at it. They should actually only use their guns at times when the extra shots of opportunity are needed to knock off a few crucial wounds on a target.

Instead, these Raiders are meant to hide and run and complete secondary objectives and take enemy objectives away!

Sometimes they could even be used as a sacrificial unit meant to be used to draw fire and tie up a shooting unit before your combat units make the charge.

That is how I would play them anyway!

Thank you for reading!

Warhammer Review Library

Alphabetical List

FactionUnitReview Number
Adeptus CustodesProsecutors#1
Adeptus CustodesKnight-Centura#54
Adeptus CustodesTrajann Valoris#40
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Fusilave#13
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Stratoraptor#14
Adeptus MechanicusArchaeopter Transvector#15
Adeptus MechanicusBelisarius Cawl#53
Black TemplarsHigh Marshall Helbrecht#38
Black TemplarsMarshall#46
Blood AngelsBaal Predator#2
Blood AngelsLemartes#32
Chaos DaemonsDaemonettes#29
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Brigands#30
Chaos KnightsWar Dog Executioners#31
Chaos Space MarinesAbbadon the Despoiler#50
Chaos Space MarinesHaarken Worldclaimer#41
Chaos Space MarinesKhorne Lord of Skulls#37
Dark AngelsAsmodai#16
Dark AngelsAzrael#17
Dark AngelsBelial#4
Dark AngelsDeathwing Knights#20
Death GuardBiologus Putrifier#5
Death GuardBlightlord Terminators#10
Death GuardChaos Lord#36
Death GuardLord of Contagion#52
Death GuardTallyman#39
Genestealer CultsAberants#47
Genestealer CultsReductus Saboteur#33
Grey KnightsBrother Captain#25
Grey KnightsGrand Master#48
Grey KnightsStrike Squad#51
Imperial AgentsCallidus Assassin#9
Imperial AgentsVigilant Squad#26
Imperial KnightsArmiger Helverin#22
Imperial KnightsArmiger Warglaive#43
Leages of VotannBrôkhyr Iron-master#27
Leages of VotannSagitaur#3
Leages of VotannÛthar the Destined#44
OrksHunta Rig#28
Space MarinesKayvaan Shrike#23
Space MarinesMarneus Calgar#42
Space MarinesRazorback#21
T'au EmpireDarkstrider#12
T'au EmpireKroot Carnivore Squad#19
Thousand SonsMagnus the Red#49
TyranidsScreamer Killer#24
World EatersWorld Eaters Chaos Spawn#18

Thank you for reading!

** Images in this post are from the Warhammer app.

Tag List:
@aussieninja, @new.things, @alonicus, @dungeondog, @xenowolfza, @riesakashiya, @tomster-17, @exptrader, @borsengelaber, @makerhacks, @jacobtothe, @fredfettmeister, @mirroredspork, @kheldar1982, @surrealis, @oblivioncubed

*PS, Should you wish to be removed or added to the taglist, please let me know!


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